Today during a family gathering something happened that made me say from the bottom of my heart, I really hate this life.
It all started when I was sitting with my family and some girls my age, we were chatting about colorful dresses and the ones we were wearing. After sharing some laughs, a younger girl said: “I wish I could wear this color of dress.” I laughed and asked: Why can’t you? She replied “People say bad things. Why should a girl wear this color?” Her words struck me deeply, it made me wonder why do we take life so seriously? Why does everything have to follow strict rules, like two plus two always equaling four? Why can’t it equal nine instead? We live in a world where we imprison ourselves with unnecessary rules, beliefs, and judgments, why do I have to think so much about how I walk, how I greet someone, or what people will say about my choices? At the end of the day, we all face the same end which is obviously death, so why not live freely and fully while we can?
Life is too short to be hard on yourself. Be crazy, live freely and never be ashamed of expressing who you are. From my perspective the people who are a little crazy are the ones who truly enjoy life. So, embrace your uniqueness and let go of the weight of other’s opinions.