When Silence Speaks

We were a family of three me, my mom, and my dad. It was always the three of us. But then one day my dad was gone, and everything changed.

The day after his passing was unlike anything I had ever felt. Walking through the house, every corner, every room, reminded me of him. His voice echoed in the silence, his smile felt like it was still there, and yet he wasn’t. It was a strange feeling I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t, not in front of my mom. I had to stay strong for her even though I didn’t feel strong at all. At the same time, I was filled with guilt. I thought about the days I wasn’t there, the moments I missed and the little arguments we had. Why hadn’t I spent more time with him? Why did I let small things get in the way?

In the end, this painful experience showed me something important: we need to value our loved ones while they are with us, life is short and the people we care about won’t be here forever. Be thankful for every moment, every smile, every talk, don’t wait until it’s too late to appreciate them.

Written By Tahmina Khedri

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