Not Trying = Failure

We’ve all heard the saying, “The only true failure is not trying.” When it comes to a challenge or an opportunity that arises in life, it is very easy to hold back. Sometimes we may be afraid of failing; at other times, we might feel that we can’t be good enough. However, the bottom line is that unless one even tries to take the first step, failure is ensured. It means you never allow yourself a chance to succeed. Think of a dream or a goal that you want to achieve something that you really want to do. Perhaps doing your favorite major, leaving everything behind and going to another country, or even doing your favorite sport. If you never take the first step, you will never know what might have been. You may think you’re protecting yourself from disappointment, but in reality, you’re just embracing failure right from the start.

Success is about taking action despite feelings of uncertainty or fear. Do you remember the first time you tried to learn how to ride a bike? The beginning was so hard. I remember my dad telling me, “Keep pedaling, Tahmina—faster, faster, keep pedaling. As long as you have your feet on the pedals, you’re good, but if you stop pedaling, you’ll fall off the bike.” Achieving success is exactly the same. To get what you want, you need to keep trying, and whenever you stop trying, you will fail.

So next time you face a challenge or an opportunity, just remember: not trying is the same as failing. Don’t be afraid to take that first step. Even if you fall, you’re still moving forward. And that’s what counts.

Written By Tahmina Khedri

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