Finding Resilience

Finding Resilience in Times of Tremendous Struggle

At some point, the world wants you to be strong and keep going
-Simone Biles

The reason why I want to talk about this topic today is that life is full of ups and downs. We humans face huge problems in our personal, academic, or work lives every day, but it is very important to fight against them. In this blog post , I want to remind you that you are not the only one going through difficult days and to show you that these dark and difficult days are not forever.

In this part, I want to tell you about someone who overcame PTSD at the age of 17. She wants to be referred to by the nickname Asra. She was studying and living far away from her family, having her normal life but obstacles blocked her path like heavy stones. Asra was a brave and kind person who had endured hard times as a child. She was sexually assaulted at the age of 7. She grew up in a small family with a brave and hardworking mother and, unfortunately, a drug-addicted father. Despite all these problems, Asra left behind these painful memories and traveled to another country to continue her education. Asra says, “Just when I felt the sorrows and my wounds seemed to heal, they came back stronger, and I was diagnosed with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), which affects people who have gone through difficult times in childhood or adolescence.”

This illness caused Asra to attempt suicide three times and sink deep into despair and stress. People around her thought that Asra would never get better. But today, Asra is stronger than ever, busy with continuing her studies, humanitarian work, and, most importantly, focusing on her soul and health. The last time I was able to chat with her, she said, “I didn’t think I would ever recover and return to my normal life, but those hard days made me a brave and invincible person today.”

Yes, this is the story of Asra. I want to briefly remind you of the important points and lessons from this story:

  1. Take Slow Step : In difficult times, it is always important to take slow steps. These small steps will help you become more familiar with the path and regain control.
  2. Learn to Protect Yourself: There will not always be someone to protect you, so learn to rely on yourself and never depend too much on others.
  3. Never Despair: Always remember that hard days are not forever.

In closing, Asra’s story shows us how strong we can be, even when life is at its hardest. Her journey teaches us that resilience is about getting back up after we fall, Even when things seem impossible, taking small steps, learning to depend on ourselves, and holding onto hope can make a big difference. No matter how tough things get, each day is a chance to grow stronger and move closer to better times. Remember, no matter how dark it may seem now, there is always hope for brighter days ahead.

Written By Tahmina Khedri

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