Falkland’s Law

Falkland’s Law might be new to you, and you may wonder, “What is Falkland’s Law?” This law helps prevent overthinking by stating: “Don’t make a decision when you don’t need to.”

Many of us aren’t aware of this law, and as a result, we make quick and uninformed decisions. In fact, 90% of such decisions often lead to failures. As I write this, I recall a dear person in my life whom I can’t fully name her, but this person made a quick decision that greatly impacted her life. She was dealing with severe mental illness and, under pressure from her family, quickly decided to get married in order to come out of those mental illnesses . She didn’t take the time to consider if it was the right moment or if she knew her partner well enough.

After marriage, she realized how different she was from her partner and that their relationship wouldn’t succeed. This added even more stress and mental strain on her.

What contributed to her stress and failure in this decision? The key factors were:

  • Lack of enough information
  • Overthinking
  • Fear of losing control

This story, like many others born from quick decisions that led to negative outcomes, serves as a reminder to always keep Falkland’s Law in mind. Avoiding unnecessary decisions will reduce stress, prevent overthinking, and help us avoid creating unnecessary problems in our lives.

Written By Tahmina Khedri

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