Everything has a Time

Regret is a powerful word. Whenever I come across it, I’m reminded of the moments in my life when I didn’t do what I should have, didn’t say the words that needed to be said, didn’t wear the clothes I wanted, and didn’t allow myself to smile or feel the happiness I deserved. I’m sure you, too, carry some regrets in your heart.

Today, like most days, I was having a conversation with my dear mother. Suddenly, I felt the urge to ask her a question that had been on my mind for a while. I asked, “What is one thing you regret the most in life?” She smiled gently and said, “Many things, but the one that always lingers is dropping out of school.” When I asked her why, she explained, “Back then, our living conditions were tough. After losing my father and brother, the responsibility of supporting the family fell on my shoulders. I had to leave school to help put food on the table.”

I then asked, “Why don’t you start again?” She smiled and said, “Everything has its time. Not only my hair has turned white, but my brain became weak and my ability to understand things became difficult. She ended up the conversation by saying “ What’s the use of watering flowers after they’ve dried?” Her words left me deep in thought.

After reflecting on our conversation, I realized that life is too short to let opportunities slip away. We must do what we desire because we won’t get another chance. Most importantly, everything has its own time, so we must act when the time is right. We shouldn’t wait until there’s nothing left of ourselves.

Don’t let regret take root in your heart. Even the smallest regrets can grow into something vast and overwhelming. Live fully, and make sure you don’t look back wishing you had done things differently.

Written By Tahmina Khedri

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