Cycle Of Freedom

Today, I want to share with you the best lesson I learned in life, personally this lesson made my body and mind comfortable, which will certainly make you feel calmer in some situations. Before I share this lesson i have a question for you: if a person repeats the same mistake many times, what do you do?

Let’s think that a person made a mistake the first time and apologized to you, forgive him, if he repeats that mistake a second time, forgive him again, if he repeats it a third time and apologizes again, forgive him again, if he repeats it a fourth time and he apologized, forgive him again, why? Because when a person does something wrong, what else can he do but apologize, and if you think that by forgiving that person you are doing that person a favor, you are seriously mistaken, because forgiving is a favor to yourself and not to others. Maybe some of you are thinking that this is nonsense but no, if you pay attention the best thing is forgiveness. You know why? Because when you don’t forgive a person, you imprison him in the circle of your mind, and the prisoner wants a place, wants food, and all this is provided by your energy, your peace, your happiness and your always thinking.

So now, I want to finish this blogpost with the slogan that “if he doesn’t deserve to be forgiven, I deserve to be free.”

Written by Tahmina Khedri


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